Can Eating Mango Help Induce Labor

Health Benefits Of Mango For Pregnant Women

Mango has been cherished as a gift of nature for centuries, so much so that its flavor is embedded in cultures around the world. Moreover, it has been used to treat ailments ranging from liver diseases to skin conditions. As it turns out, mango might also be of help to pregnant women. Not only is it a delicious snack, but it might even be able to induce labor in women who are overdue.
Most popularly known for its vitamin C content, mango also contains other beneficial vitamins and minerals. It is packed with vitamin A, which contributes to healthy vision and skin. Mangoes also have generous amounts of fiber, which helps people stay healthy. For pregnant women, its high levels of vitamin B6 is said to assist with supportive functions during childbirth.
How It Induces Labor
Eating mango during the later stages of pregnancy is said to help labor along, as it stimulates the digestive system. This sipposes that the woman’s contractions could become more regular. Mango leaves, specifically, have even been used to make tea. Many mothers believe this approach to be gentler than pharmaceutical methods, sometimes even more effective.
Side Effects
While the idea of eating mango may sound sweet, women should understand that more mango does not mean more labor. The American Pregnancy Association states that it’s the ripeness of the mango or the mixture of mango that should determine how much to eat. Women should also understand that if they eat too much, they might experience negative side effects. Diarrhea is the most common, as mango is known to have a laxative effect if consumed in excess.
Mango and Its Place In Pregnancy
Mango has been known to be an all-around healthy snack. It is low in calories, but has high amounts of micronutrients, and most nutritionists agree that it can be beneficial in certain amounts. Despite the positive accounts, no scientific evidence exists that directly confirms its labor-inducing qualities, nor is it clear what amount is enough for the desired effects. Nonetheless, mango remains a popular pregnancy snack– and for good reason.

Other Ways Eating Mango Can Help Pregnant Women

Nutrient Booster
Besides its vitamincontent and fiber, mango carrieswith it a number of other healthy elements that are beneficial to pregnant women. For instance, magnesium helps to control blood pressure and reduce fatigue. Mangoes’ high folate content also supports development in the fetus, and helps to strengthen the fetal neural system. Furthermore, their high manganese content helps maintain blood sugar, while the copper content assists in hemoglobin formation.
Skin Benefits
The vitamin A and C content make mango a rich ingredient in skincare. While pregnant, women can commonly experience itchiness and dryness due to an increase in circulation and hormones. Mango can be helpful in applying to skin to reduce these issues, as well as to help fade scars or blemishes. Mangoes also act as an anti-inflammatory, and can help to reduce swelling during pregnancy.
Support Immune System
With a healthy daily intake, mango is said to assist in managing infections, and support the pregnant woman’s immune system in general. It also serves as a powerful antiseptic, which helps to protect the pregnant woman from bacteria and other pathogens. The antioxidants in mango also discourage the growth of cancerous cells in the body, promoting overall physical and emotional health.
Digestive Health
Mango is a great source of dietary fiber, which helps digestion and keeps the intestines healthy. This is especially important during the later stages of pregnancy, as it helps to prevent constipation and keeps the mother from feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Furthermore, the enzymes provided by mango break down proteins, aiding in nutrient absorption.

Nutritional Counterparts To Mango

Mango may be a standalone superfood, but it is by no means the only healthy snack available to pregnant women. Here are some nutritional counterparts to mango, all of which offer their own range of benefits.
This citrus fruit is similarly high in vitamin C as mango is, and it is also known for its immune-boosting qualities and overall energizing effects. Oranges offer plenty of fiber, folate, and calcium too, and can be enjoyable for the pregnant woman to snack on.
Bananas are one of Mother Nature’s best sources of fiber, and they also have an abundant supply of potassium. This helps pregnant women to regulate blood pressure, as well as to reduce swelling in the body. Moreover, bananas also support infant development in the womb.
Papayas are a great alternative to mango for women who crave something on the sweeter side. As the fruit ripens, it contains high levels of cancer-fighting antioxidants, potassium, and, of course, fiber. This internal cleansing property works wonders for pregnant women who struggle with digestion.

External Treatments To Promote Labor

Sometimes consuming mangoes may not be enough for labor, and there are other external treatments that may be beneficial in this instance.
Massage is an excellent method for encouragingflow of the baby’s fluids, and as a result, labor. It can also help to reduce stress and anxiety for the mother, which can be quite beneficial in its own right.
This form of Chinese medicine has long been used to treat various ailments, and it can be helpful in inducing labor as well. Moreover, for women who wish to avoid certain medicated treatments, it is a great alternative.
Exercise during pregnancy can be difficult for some women, yet it is a great way to induce labor, as it helps to speed up the child’s descent in the uterus. Exercise canalso help the woman to feel better generally.

Alternative Methods To Eating Mango

Even though mango can make for a delicious snack, there are other approaches to nearing its nutritional qualities.
Mango juice and smoothies cancontain all the nutritional properties that the fruit does, and the sweetness may be even more enjoyable. Mango jams, toothpaste, and herbal teas are other alternatives. For pregnant women who are wary of consuming any type of mango, these products can provide the same benefits as eating the actual fruit itself.

Recommendation For Eating Mango

Since there is no clear consensus on the effectiveness of mango in inducing labor, it is important for pregnant women to practice caution when consuming the fruit. Eating mango throughout the later stages of pregnancy is generally okay, but overdoing it can lead to harmful effects. Therefore, the American Pregnancy Association recommends that pregnant women speak to their physician regarding the proper diet to follow.


From its culinary applications to its medicinal uses, mango has been a well-praised fruit for centuries. Its high levels of vitamins and minerals, give pregnant women a number of health benefits, and more specifically, can even be useful in inducing labor. While consuming mango can be incredibly beneficial, it is best to limit intake and consult one’s doctor to ensure the safest approach to the later weeks of pregnancy.

Cornelius Chambers

Cornelius R. Chambers is a passionate writer and researcher in the field of fruit science. He has written extensively on the subject, both in print and online, and is an advocate for healthy, sustainable fruit production. He enjoys exploring how different fruits can benefit our health, and believes that the right kind of fruit can make a difference in our lives.

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