Does Mango And Apple Go Together

The flavorful combination of sweet and tart has been popular since long. The two most popular fruits, mango and apple, have earned a special place in the heart of many. But does mango and apple really go together?

Nutritionally speaking, a combination of mango and apple can provide a great variety of essential vitamins and minerals. Mangoes are packed with vitamins A and C, as well as dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Apples are full of vitamins A, C, and E, and also provide a good source of dietary fiber and phytonutrients. Together, they can make a healthy and balanced meal that is sure to please.

In terms of taste, mango and apple are surprisingly compatible. The sweet, subtle flavor of the mango complements the tartness of the apple, creating an interesting flavor that can be used in numerous dishes. Whether you choose to pair these fruits as an accompaniment to a main dish, in a salad, or simply on their own, their combination can be quite delightful.

Mango and apple are also surprisingly good combinations in savory dishes. For example, mango chutney served with apple slices can provide a perfect balance of sweet and spicy flavors. Similarly, adding apple pieces to a mango salsa can create a delicious and unique flavor to any dish.

When it comes to baking, mango and apple are a great combination, as well. Together, they can produce a moist and fluffy cake, as well as flavorful muffins and other baked goods. Furthermore, the sweetness and tartness of these two fruits blend well together when added to pies and tarts.

However, not everyone may find the taste of mango and apple together to be ideal. Some might be put off by the tartness of the apple or the sweetness of the mango. Others might simply find the combination too unusual. Nonetheless, if you’re open to experimentation, you might be pleasantly surprised by the end result.


Another important consideration when pairing mango and apple is texture. Mangoes have a slightly firm and meaty texture while apples are more crisp and juicy. However, when combined, the two fruits provide an interesting combination of textures, which can be quite pleasing to the palate.

Mangoes can also be used to add a unique texture to dishes containing apples. When baked into a pie, for example, the apples will remain intact while the mango puree will become soft and velvety. It provides a smooth and creamy texture that is quite pleasing.

Using mango and apple together in cooked dishes can also work well. Apples tend to retain their shape when cooked while mangoes become soft and almost creamy. This can help to create a range of interesting flavors and textures in your finished dish.

Overall Benefits

Combining mango and apple can provide a number of overall benefits. While the flavor combination might not be for everyone, it offers a wonderful range of vitamins and minerals that can be beneficial for health and wellbeing. Together, they make for a balanced and healthy meal option, as well as a range of interesting dishes and baked goods.

In addition, the combination of mango and apple also provides an interesting range of textures. The firmness of the mango can beautifully contrast the juicy crispiness of the apple, creating a perfect balance of texture in many dishes. It can help to make your dishes more interesting and dynamic.

Availability and Uses

Both mangoes and apples are widely available throughout the year. This means that you can create any dish, sweet or savory, out of the two without having to worry about seasonal limitations. Furthermore, these two fruits are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes, from salads and desserts to cooked dishes and baked goods.

Mangoes and apples work well together in both raw and cooked dishes. When added uncooked, they provide a sweet and tart flavor that can be quite pleasing. When cooked, the two fruits create a pleasant range of flavors and textures that make them a great option for any dish.


If you would like to try pairing mango and apple in your own kitchen, there are numerous recipes to choose from. From salads and salsas to cakes and tarts, the possibilities are endless. Here are a few recipes to get you started:

    Mango Apple Salad with Mint and Lime: This easy and refreshing salad combines mango and apple for a light and delicious treat.
    Mango Apple Crumble: For a sweet and decadent dessert, this crumble combines mango and apple with a crunchy oat topping.
    Mango and Apple Chutney: This sweet and spicy chutney can be served as an accompaniment to any dish for an extra burst of flavor.
    Apple and Mango Salsa: This flavorful salsa pairs nicely with grilled meats or served as a dip with tortilla chips.


Mango and apple are a surprisingly compatible combination when it comes to both nutrition and taste. Together, they can be used to create a wide variety of dishes, ranging from salads and salsas to cakes and pies. The two fruits also provide a great balance of texture, with mango offering a firm and juicy meatiness and apples giving a crisp and juicy crunchiness.

So, if you’re ever looking for a unique flavor pairing for your dishes, consider trying out mango and apple. You just might be surprised at how well they go together.

Cornelius Chambers

Cornelius R. Chambers is a passionate writer and researcher in the field of fruit science. He has written extensively on the subject, both in print and online, and is an advocate for healthy, sustainable fruit production. He enjoys exploring how different fruits can benefit our health, and believes that the right kind of fruit can make a difference in our lives.

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