Squirrels Have Been A Source Of Curiosity For People Since Ages. Their Tiny, Bushy Tails; Their Uncanny Ability To Jump From One Branch To Another; Their Playful Antics – All Of These Make Them A Loveable Creature. But Does This Connotation Extend To Their Diet As Well? Can Squirrels Eat Bananas And If So, What Good Would It Do Them?

One school of thought believes that squirrels can enjoy a banana or two, provided you peel away the skin. It’s an excellent source of dietary fibre and also a good source of vitamins B6 and C as well as Manganese. In other words, it would do most good to them, provided the banana does not have any kind of sugar added to it. However, wildlife observers caution against feeding them with processed foods as there are chances that the squirrels could get used to it and then require handouts, which could prove harmful.

Nutritionists point out that although wild animals will find ways to get a variety of food, it is difficult to say categorically which type of food is preferable when it comes to monkey diets. For instance, some nutritionists suggest that foods that are high in protein and calcium, like nuts and leafy vegetables, are great options for feeding squirrels. On the other hand, others oppose the notion and claim that no single food can provide all the nutrients essential for their healthy lives. Instead, they argue that variety is the key.

Moreover, primates and many other mammals such as bears and deer have different eating habits. For instance, bears prefer to eat fruits and nuts. So, the banana would not be the best choice for them. Deer have a preference for vegetables. However, fruits can also be a part of a balanced diet, and the squirrels can certainly eat it.

However, it is not advisable to feed wild animals, be it squirrels or some other mammal. This goes against the food chain and safety of the animals too, as many people feed them with junk food that not only isn’t healthy, but could even be toxic. It is also said that the animals could become habitual, relying on humans as their main source of food, thus abandoning their natural habitats. As such, feeding squirrels or any other wild animals is discouraged.

The Benefits of Eating a Banana for Squirrels

Squirrels could lead to benefit from eating a banana, as it is a nutrient packed fruit. It is high in fiber, vitamins like B6 and C, Manganese, and other minerals. It is also low in fat and cholesterol. It is a natural energy booster and could help squirrels store up energy for cooler climates. Furthermore, bananas are easy to digest and even after consuming it the animal would still be hungry and seek out other food as its next meal.

What Eating Too Many Bananas Could Lead To For Squirrels

Though eating a banana could benefit a squirrel, it is not a good idea to feed them too many. If given in excess, it could lead to harm them. Eating a banana everyday could lead to dehydration and the animals could become overweight, which would impact their agility and their ability to survive in the wild. Too much sugar from bananas can also lead to diabetes and other health issues. Therefore, it is important to feed a squirrel on occasional basis.

Other Foods That Squirrels Could Eat

Apart from bananas, there are other fruits and vegetables that a squirrel can enjoy. Apples, strawberries, melons, cherries, and pineapples are some of the fruits that are good for squirrels. Similarly, vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, celery, and cauliflower can be fed to them. The list of foods they can eat doesn’t end here. Other healthy snacks for them include sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, unsalted peanuts, oats, and wheatmeal.

The Impact of Human Food on Squirrels

It is important to understand that human food is not as good for squirrels as natural food like what they’d find in the wild. Human food, such as chocolate, has more sugar and salt than what the squirrels can find in the wild. Eating too much of it can lead to health problems. While it is fine to feed a squirrel occasionally, it is not a good idea to feed them regularly, as this could do more harm than good in the long run.

How to Feed a Squirrel

Firstly, as previously mentioned, it is not advisable to feed a squirrel regularly in a human-controlled environment. In case one chooses to do so, it is important to take all the necessary precautions. It is advisable to observe the animal’s behavior to know whether it is being fed enough food or is leaving too much behind. Also, nuts and seeds should be placed on flat surfaces like a log or tray for the squirrels to eat. It is also important to keep the food away from other animals such as cats and dogs, as it could lead to a scuffle.

Johnathan Johnson

Jonathan L. Johnson is an experienced freelance writer who specializes in writing about topics related to health and nutrition. He has been writing about health and nutrition for over 10 years, and in that time he has become an expert on the subject. He is especially knowledgeable about the benefits of eating a variety of fruits and vegetables.

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